Woke up burried in snow. School was called on its account, so we got to stay in our jammies a little bit longer. I spent the better part of 2 hours getting up to the hospital where my mom was having surgery. The hospital is forty five minutes away most days.
I sat with my father and my siblings, happy we were all able to be up there with him and for her. I got to see her in her lovely blue hair cover...blue is definately her color. Told her I loved her, kissed her good-bye and wished her good luck.
Unfortunately I couldn't stay as long as I would have wanted to because Aaron had to be to work and Jake was unexpectedly home from school. So I had to turn around and head back out into the blistery winter day. Two hours later I got home and Aaron went off to work.
Jakob was playing video games but I could tell he was easily distracted. As if someone from outside was whispering his name. Finally he asked to put on his snow gear and head outside. I was so glad for the distraction.
I watched him make a make-shift sledding hill and listened to him giggle in delight. All of a sudden I remembered how it felt, how you'd leave your belly somewhere halfway down your little hill and giggle the rest of the way down. Snow tickles.
I lost myself out there for a little while. Forgot that I was thirty five and laughed like I was six. Three hours passed and I decided it was time to come in for soup. I was so glad for the distraction.
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