Jakob is so excited that Christmas is just a few short days away. It's all he talks about. It's adorable. While I was in the shower, through the closed bathroom door, he told me of his grand plan to wake up on Christmas Eve, sneak out of his room, into the hallway, through the kitchen to the family room in order to catch ol' Saint Nick in the act. He stood there for a solid ten minutes talking...he's six, that's a looooong time. Then when he was finished he paused a moment and said..."Oh no! Do you think Santa HEARD me?"
I love that picture I snapped of him just a bit ago. I wish I could tell you he was watching a sweet Christmas movie but he's playing Mario Super Smashbros. I will tell you though the sweetest thing about it is he is singing Santa Claus is Coming to Town on the top of his lungs, in funny, different voices.
The magic is the greatest part of the season.
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