August 28, 2009

'Tis Grace That Brought Me Safe Thus Far, and Grace Will Lead Me Home

Earlier this week tradgedy struck our City of Good Neighbors. This morning we mourn as a community as we pay our final respects to Lt. Charles W. McCarthy, Jr. and Firefigher Jonathan S. Croom who paid the ultimate price in service to the City they lived to protect.

This morning my son stood on the roadside as a processional of fire trucks, police cars and emergency vehicles pass slowly by, lights flashing, sirens silent. He saluted the fire engine carring a coffin draped with an American flag like his father taught him how to do last night.


This morning my commute into work was easy inspite of the thousands who have come to our fair city to pay their respects. Offering my condolences to those in uniform who approaced me on my way into work.

This morning my prayers are with the McCarthy and Croom families. I pray that God give them the strength to go on and to remember only happier times.

Thank you, Lt. McCarthy and Firefighter Croom, you will never be forgoten.

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