January 20, 2010

You've Gotta Friend in Me

Sixteen years ago I was sitting in the student union at our community college, reading a book and drinking a cup of coffee.  Across the room I spotted a tall, thin, glasses wearing young man.  He was one of those nerdy but hot types...you know what I mean.  I was smitten and I didn't even know his name.

Turns out his name was (and still is) Michael.  Michael became one of my greatest friends of all time.  Michael has made me laugh until I cried, he has stirred my creative side, he has fed my brain, he has broken my heart, he has made me greasy potato pancakes, he is "rustic", he is great friends with my husband and he loves my son...I could go on and on.

Today Michael turns 35!  "Half way to 70 baby!"

I hope you have a beautiful birthday today!  May the next 35 years be as fabulous as the first!
Happy Birthday my sweet friend!
I love you!

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